$3,000 Short Sale relocation assistance for homeowners
HAFA Relocation Incentive

Currently, all across the United States, thousands of houses are being
foreclosed. If you are one of the individuals that are a facing hard economic times and missing mortgage payments, the government has issued an incentive to short sell your home
instead of going to foreclosure.
HAFA, or Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative, is offering a $3,000 relocation assistance for homeowners. This money is to help you out in terms of moving and relocation costs. If you short sell your house, this money is guaranteed, no hidden fees, circumstances, or agenda.
Upon closing of the house, the servicer is bound to pay the borrower the relocation costs immediately, and must reflect doing so on the HUD-1 Settlement, more commonly, the closing statement. If the homeowner has yet to vacate the premises, than the Relocation Incentive must be paid within five days upon leaving the property. Same applies if the
Deed-in-Lieu is not conducted at a formal closing, than the servicer must mail the check to you, the borrower, within five days.

Short selling and foreclosing on your home is extremely draining, physically and emotionally. The HAFA Relocation Assistance is merely an incentive to assist you and your burden. The $3,000 may be used towards any aspect of moving: moving vans, security deposit, lease application, so on and so forth. Although nothing can take away the pain associated with short selling your house, this one act may prove to be very helpful in reducing your troubles. You are not alone in this process.
If there are any questions regarding the government’s HAFA Relocation Incentive, feel free to contact Komelot Inc. We are a Real Estate Investing Group that specializes in all aspects of the short sale and foreclosure market. If you need help
short selling your house, we are the answer.
Please feel free to email, call, or visit our website at www.komelot.com
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