Sunday, October 10, 2010

Investor tips: How to sell House in Jacksonville fast?

If you are an Investor and looking for an Ideas about How to sell property fast keep reading.
One of the ways to sell property fast in Jacksonville is technique called Property Launch Formula.

Here is Property Launch plan.

1 Create web page for event
2 Order Bandit signs
3 Install signs
4 Modify your phone system. Add new ext. with property description and website addresses to get more information.
5 Order Post cards to mail to tenants in area.
6 Advertise on craigslist - post adds 3 times a day for each property. See video how I do Craigslist posting.
7 Make Social Media announcements.
8 Create a Blog Post with explanation of what is Property Launch Formula in Jacksonville, FL and how you can make it possible for people with less than perfect credit own their home.
9 Create auto responders for database you use
10 Email yuor buyers list
11 Consider using Text messaging system for attracting buyers
I will write updates on the results.
Here is a Mind Map of Property Launch Formula I use
Click on the picture to make it bigger.


  1. Hi Dmitry,

    the mind map of the property launch formula looks really good.

    Have you tested in this in strategy in markets other than Jacksonville?

    What kind of an effect has this formula gotten in terms of results?

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi! I am investing in Short Sales and Foreclosed properties primarily in Jacksonville, FL. But my investors network covering many other states. We have been using this "Property Launch formula" for about 2 years now and it brings as very good results. Even if property not getting sold we still have a lot of good results as far as all leads generated during advertising going to our database and we keep marketing to them other properties we have. So more properties we advertise bigger buyers list we have. And at some point of time you don't have to advertise you just send it to your buyers list and you are getting ready to go buyer.

    Happy selling to you.

  3. If you know how the market currently flows in your area or region, probably you can always try to explore possibilities on that certain market trend on selling or buying properties. It's more like taking the risk.

    Florida Real Estate License
